I'm well back on the ol blog track now but can't seem to be able to write one without slagging something off! So here goes another...
Blogging is a little bit like facebook, in that you become like 'friends' with or 'follow' other blogs and spend your time whittling through other people's (sometimes bloggers of bloggers mates or whatever) thoughts on life and the universe etc. Now this is where it can get interesting or as i'm about to rant about, not so interesting! The thing I find with blogging is I generally write one when compelled to do so. Not so other bloggers. It seems some people will write one about absolutely nothing, like what they had for tea last night or washing or something as equally downright boring. Then they think if they put a jazzy little photo up with it, it becomes arty or interesting to other people. Believe me... it doesn't. You know the saying 'less is more' well sometimes that is the truth brother. Amen!
Anyway rant over... for now... if you like your blogs worth reading then check out Cotty's or Ramon's (if he can be bothered to write one again) they can be funny little f*ckers! although i'm sure if you've got as far as reading this then your already familiar with these.
By the way this is by no means aimed at anyome in particular and is probably more a product of me reading too many. Plus the clever one's amongst you will probably realise i have just written a blog about nothing, added a jazzy little photo and got you to read it!
Til next time suckers ;)