It goes like this, i've obviously surfed myself stupid over the last few days and thouroughly enjoyed the majority of it but have i surfed more than i would in mid-winter. No probably not. Have i enjoyed it more? No probably not again. So its got me thinking do I really like summer at all? Its not the crowds (you get them on most good winter days anyway, its not the warm weather (obvioulsy!) I think what it is... is that loads of other people are enjoying it as well! That may sound selfish, in fact i know it is but i can't help being more content with surfing perfect waves, even in freezing weather and knowing that only the only people benefitting are the hardcore few that know where to go, when and have the time to do it. Its funny, a lot of people reckon there proper winter surfers, like 'yeah i love winter, i don't mind the cold' type stuff yet you only ever regularly see the same faces in the water. And you know the others are either boarded in at home or reading internet blogs at work!
To illustrate the point.. I get to the beach at 6.15am this morning (riddiculously early for me), the car park is pretty full, Bondy is there charging 4 quid a pop (good on im i say) and there are people getting OUT of the water! I mean what sort of idiot goes surfing at 4.30am?? Not hardcore, macho, i'd rather it be minus 4 everyday super tough winter surfers like me - thats for sure!
To illustrate further, a photo.....

Thats what happens when you only surf when its hot!
Laters x
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