Photo by Mr Robert Tibbles
Monday, 8 November 2010
The new force in pro surfing!
If anyone watches as much pro surfing online as me then you may have seen a fair few WQS events from around europe this summer. Its been all over from newquay to the azores and is now finishing up in the canaries. I kept noticing a name in the 1st round results - Alexander El Naib. Let me tell you a bit about this fella. Al El Naib is 49 year old german guy who has been doing the QS all through europe. He enters every event, always shows up for his heat but never gets through round one. Why is this I here you ask... Its because he's fucking shit! When i say shit, i don't mean horrible brazillian style shit or not quite good enough shit. I mean really shit, like can just about stand up shit. Why does he do the QS was my question and it appears from a bit of internet research a lot of other peoples too. The guy is becoming a bit of a legend - he has never scored over 2 points for a heat total yet he keeps coming back for more. At $250 - $400 dollars a comp, travel costs, accomodation and hire car costs it must be costing him an absolute fortune to show up and surf for 20 mins. So why does he do it... well turns out he's just as much of a pro surf fanatic as me, yet infinatly richer (rumour is he's a trust fund kid) so what better way to spend your summer than travelling round europe and not only surfing with but gettng to know some of the best surfers in the world! True dedication I say. Here's a photo that encapsulates it for me - here he is shaking hands with Tom Curren who he's just surfed a heat with in the Azores... yes TOM CURREN!! Got to be worth the airfare eh?

Tuesday, 26 October 2010
How many bands am i in again???
If you only go out once in blue moon then make sure its shining on the 4th of Dec and come to this. A good friend of mine and in fact someone i did one of my first gigs with donkeys years ago, Jay Perry has had a tough tough time of late. This night is all about raising funds to help him with his rehabilitation. There's live music - The Breaks - awesome live band and my Ramones 'its alive' tribute The Shamones. Come along, buy some raffle tickets and get involved in a very worthy cause. Yee ha!

Monday, 18 October 2010
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Telling it like it is...

So a few months ago i acquired a new wetsuit sponno from the lovely people at animal,and bloody pleased i am about it too. Now i guess what your supposed to do in these situations is shout from the rooftops (or the pages of the journal) about how amazingly marvelous these suits are to anyone and everyone who will listen. Well this might be sponno suicide but i haven't really done that, I've just worn mine (a lot) and been really pleased with it. Sometimes people ask me about it in the sea and i'll say 'yeah its a really good suit you should check them out' but thats about all you can say to a stranger in the sea isn't it?
But then today I thought, hang on a minute, this actually is a really good suit and deserves more recognition of that fact. Basically without going into the stretch/warmth/well made details of the whole thing - its a really stretchy, really warm and really really well made (better than pretty much anything i've had before i'd say)suit. So if your looking for something to keep you warm and mobile this winter go here http://shop.animal.co.uk/technical/icat/technical/ and discover more.
You might be thinking about now - 'he's only saying this because he has to' or 'what the fuck do animal know about making wetsuits' well i've had a fair few free suits in the past and have never been arsed to right about them before so they must be doing something right!! Right?
Anyway check em out and save yourself a fair few quid on a new xcel. nice x
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Anarchy in Braunton
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
the decline of the boardmasters.

So this week is the start of the 'biggest surfing event' in the UK - its that title that has provoked me into writing this blog. 'The worlds best are in the uk'? Are they though? No their not - their in America for the 6 Star/massive prize money event of the US Open. It wasn't always this way was it? No, back in the days of the Fosters and Rip Curl Boardmasters it WAS a big event, Tom Curren, Kelly, Occy they've all come and surfed the wonderful waves that fistral in august can produce! Maybe thats the reason why they don't come anymore. Partially that but i think there are many other reasons - Namely, there's a much bigger/better event on at the same time, the costs for travelling surfers to come to the UK are huge, there's no webcast, shit prize money, its run by people who have absolutely no idea about surfing and maybe they've been before and just can't hack a week of bare chested/sun burnt chavs falling around all over the place!
Here's testament to how shit this event has got - I could've entered it! Yep thats right if i'd been prepared to pay £100 quid one off WQS fee and £100 quid entrance fee i could've been in chav land surfing with the 'best'!
Funnily enough I didn't take them up on the offer, its not my idea of fun either, going to newquay for a week in chavgust isn't high on my list of fun things to do at the moment! Think i'm just gunna sit here and watch the worlds best do the huntingdon hop for a week on an event with a webcast, with pro's in it and with the same waves thatfistral offers most of the time!
Sick x
Sunday, 11 July 2010
....and here is the news
Quick update on all things Chorn related. Haven't blogged or even interneted much lately, good excuse tho - had a baby boy last saturday! I like to think of this as the birth of the future of pro surfing but early signs are he's going to be lazier than me so possibly not! Funny little fella tho, likes sleeping and eating so following the family tradition already. Oh and shitting (as i type he's lying on me filling his nappy with what can only be described as liquid pig farm!).
In other news, been surfing a bit, got a new sponsor in Animal wetsuits (basically i said double what stoksey's on and i'll consider it!) not really but super good suits from early indications. Fuller review and glamourous water shots to follow.
..... stay tuned.
In other news, been surfing a bit, got a new sponsor in Animal wetsuits (basically i said double what stoksey's on and i'll consider it!) not really but super good suits from early indications. Fuller review and glamourous water shots to follow.
..... stay tuned.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
About as interesting as.....

I'm well back on the ol blog track now but can't seem to be able to write one without slagging something off! So here goes another...
Blogging is a little bit like facebook, in that you become like 'friends' with or 'follow' other blogs and spend your time whittling through other people's (sometimes bloggers of bloggers mates or whatever) thoughts on life and the universe etc. Now this is where it can get interesting or as i'm about to rant about, not so interesting! The thing I find with blogging is I generally write one when compelled to do so. Not so other bloggers. It seems some people will write one about absolutely nothing, like what they had for tea last night or washing or something as equally downright boring. Then they think if they put a jazzy little photo up with it, it becomes arty or interesting to other people. Believe me... it doesn't. You know the saying 'less is more' well sometimes that is the truth brother. Amen!
Anyway rant over... for now... if you like your blogs worth reading then check out Cotty's or Ramon's (if he can be bothered to write one again) they can be funny little f*ckers! although i'm sure if you've got as far as reading this then your already familiar with these.
By the way this is by no means aimed at anyome in particular and is probably more a product of me reading too many. Plus the clever one's amongst you will probably realise i have just written a blog about nothing, added a jazzy little photo and got you to read it!
Til next time suckers ;)
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Pro's and con's
Here's an interesting cunundrum... everything easy and perfect (i.e winds, swell, temperature, sun etc) or the warm glow of putting the hard miles in and reaping the rewards. Or in other words... summer or winter.
It goes like this, i've obviously surfed myself stupid over the last few days and thouroughly enjoyed the majority of it but have i surfed more than i would in mid-winter. No probably not. Have i enjoyed it more? No probably not again. So its got me thinking do I really like summer at all? Its not the crowds (you get them on most good winter days anyway, its not the warm weather (obvioulsy!) I think what it is... is that loads of other people are enjoying it as well! That may sound selfish, in fact i know it is but i can't help being more content with surfing perfect waves, even in freezing weather and knowing that only the only people benefitting are the hardcore few that know where to go, when and have the time to do it. Its funny, a lot of people reckon there proper winter surfers, like 'yeah i love winter, i don't mind the cold' type stuff yet you only ever regularly see the same faces in the water. And you know the others are either boarded in at home or reading internet blogs at work!
To illustrate the point.. I get to the beach at 6.15am this morning (riddiculously early for me), the car park is pretty full, Bondy is there charging 4 quid a pop (good on im i say) and there are people getting OUT of the water! I mean what sort of idiot goes surfing at 4.30am?? Not hardcore, macho, i'd rather it be minus 4 everyday super tough winter surfers like me - thats for sure!
To illustrate further, a photo.....

Thats what happens when you only surf when its hot!
Laters x
It goes like this, i've obviously surfed myself stupid over the last few days and thouroughly enjoyed the majority of it but have i surfed more than i would in mid-winter. No probably not. Have i enjoyed it more? No probably not again. So its got me thinking do I really like summer at all? Its not the crowds (you get them on most good winter days anyway, its not the warm weather (obvioulsy!) I think what it is... is that loads of other people are enjoying it as well! That may sound selfish, in fact i know it is but i can't help being more content with surfing perfect waves, even in freezing weather and knowing that only the only people benefitting are the hardcore few that know where to go, when and have the time to do it. Its funny, a lot of people reckon there proper winter surfers, like 'yeah i love winter, i don't mind the cold' type stuff yet you only ever regularly see the same faces in the water. And you know the others are either boarded in at home or reading internet blogs at work!
To illustrate the point.. I get to the beach at 6.15am this morning (riddiculously early for me), the car park is pretty full, Bondy is there charging 4 quid a pop (good on im i say) and there are people getting OUT of the water! I mean what sort of idiot goes surfing at 4.30am?? Not hardcore, macho, i'd rather it be minus 4 everyday super tough winter surfers like me - thats for sure!
To illustrate further, a photo.....

Thats what happens when you only surf when its hot!
Laters x
Thursday, 13 May 2010
As promised...
So, as I said when I started this bad boy, there will be few updates! There has been 'very few' updates, in fact i'd go as far to say 'no updates' for a while. Anyway i'm back and I have a whole new lease of life for writing things no-one reads on the internet!
I was going to write about the recent election and the history of hung parliments circa 1862 - 1974 but that would be: 1 boring and 2: not about me! So instead I'm going to write about surfing competition.. the good and the bad. I guess as most people know I love surf contests, be it watching them all night for days on end on the internet (much to the annoyance of my girfriend) or participating in them in 1ft slop. Thing is, its weird because when I was young, driven and ambititous I never went near the things but now in my paler, dwindling days I can't get enough of them. The other weird thing, is i'm really not that competitive either. I think what it is, is i've become more driven as i've got older - not to compete so much but just to get better at surfing and the thing i've found is.. contests spur me on to go in in shit (practice for what most contests seem to be held in) and just about seem to have helped my overall level move on a smidgen.
So (onto the less midlife crisis bit) this year is well under way contest wise. I've had a couple good shows and a couple less good shows so far. Coming first or last isn't really the issue - if i come first i feel good about myself and go out and get drunk (then not good about myself the next day) if i come last then I think 'that can't happen again, its embarrasing', go out and get drunk and promise to be better next time! Its all part of the game I guess!
Coming up we've got the mojito pro on saturday evening, should be fun and the good bit is, win or lose i'll probably still have a couple but wont feel good or bad about it as its all for fun. Then in a couple weeks its the saltrock open. Out of my league? yeah undoubtedly but if you don't try...............................
Then you can't go out and get drunk after can you?!?

Remember when we had some waves? Fun wasn't it? Photo from a couple weeks ago, copywrite of Tibbles - that means i've nicked it of him and not told him... laters x
I was going to write about the recent election and the history of hung parliments circa 1862 - 1974 but that would be: 1 boring and 2: not about me! So instead I'm going to write about surfing competition.. the good and the bad. I guess as most people know I love surf contests, be it watching them all night for days on end on the internet (much to the annoyance of my girfriend) or participating in them in 1ft slop. Thing is, its weird because when I was young, driven and ambititous I never went near the things but now in my paler, dwindling days I can't get enough of them. The other weird thing, is i'm really not that competitive either. I think what it is, is i've become more driven as i've got older - not to compete so much but just to get better at surfing and the thing i've found is.. contests spur me on to go in in shit (practice for what most contests seem to be held in) and just about seem to have helped my overall level move on a smidgen.
So (onto the less midlife crisis bit) this year is well under way contest wise. I've had a couple good shows and a couple less good shows so far. Coming first or last isn't really the issue - if i come first i feel good about myself and go out and get drunk (then not good about myself the next day) if i come last then I think 'that can't happen again, its embarrasing', go out and get drunk and promise to be better next time! Its all part of the game I guess!
Coming up we've got the mojito pro on saturday evening, should be fun and the good bit is, win or lose i'll probably still have a couple but wont feel good or bad about it as its all for fun. Then in a couple weeks its the saltrock open. Out of my league? yeah undoubtedly but if you don't try...............................
Then you can't go out and get drunk after can you?!?

Remember when we had some waves? Fun wasn't it? Photo from a couple weeks ago, copywrite of Tibbles - that means i've nicked it of him and not told him... laters x
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Down Time Repairs...
So, there's not been a lot happening in the water for the last week or so.. time for a nice break. I for one have actually enjoyed a week off, a week of no numb feet, no ice cream sinuses and no floggings across the rocks of the point and another spot (not mentioning any names) that i've hit the bottom at more than once this winter!
Also it was a good time to get my boards MOT'd, this winter has not only taking its toll on my ageing body but also my boards. I'd seen a few pictures on Magic Seaweed of what looked like some pretty amazing Surftech repairs by a guy called Lee so thought i'd give my precious commodities to him for a good going over.
Basically my board went from this...

To this....

This board had a bloody great crack through the deck under my front foot and two internal cracks running though it as well. It has come back looking like new, not only that but he's touched up all the other little nicks and dings that it had as well.
So the moral of this story is... if you want your boards repaired perfectly, by a nice guy and all for a bargain price check http://dingdevils.blogspot.com/ you will thank me for it!
Cheers Lee, can't wait to get back in the water! Here's to some little waves this week.
Also it was a good time to get my boards MOT'd, this winter has not only taking its toll on my ageing body but also my boards. I'd seen a few pictures on Magic Seaweed of what looked like some pretty amazing Surftech repairs by a guy called Lee so thought i'd give my precious commodities to him for a good going over.
Basically my board went from this...
To this....
This board had a bloody great crack through the deck under my front foot and two internal cracks running though it as well. It has come back looking like new, not only that but he's touched up all the other little nicks and dings that it had as well.
So the moral of this story is... if you want your boards repaired perfectly, by a nice guy and all for a bargain price check http://dingdevils.blogspot.com/ you will thank me for it!
Cheers Lee, can't wait to get back in the water! Here's to some little waves this week.
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Ok enough's enough!
Its this time of year that really starts to hit home, holes in boots from walking over (and getting dragged over) rocks too much, wet, unwashed wetsuits starting to feel the burn of constant use and a new car that has a top heating temparature of just above zero!
However me and Ash came up with a theory to overcome this today (no, not going to bali for jan - april) basically wear your shit old winter stuff until january then break out the new gear for feb and march -that way you might be slightly warmer for the coldest time of year.... simples!
Moan over and no doubt i'll be blowing a bloody gasket come july when its been flat for 3 weeks and begging for winter to arrive.
Charley 'local celebrity*' Charlesworth over and out!
* source: North Devon Journal 18/02/2010 !!
Monday, 8 February 2010
A day in leau....

So this weekend promised much and pretty much delivered on all counts! Surfed a fun little slab (as pictured) on Saturday with just one mate and got some nice little barrels in the process.
Then in the evening my band played a private party at the blue groove in Croyde, unfortunately this is where things took a turn for the worse. The gig was great, we all rocked out but i got over excited and maybe injested slightly more alcohol than required. This meant Sunday was a day in leau (a day with surf but a no surf day) i looked at it but couldn't summon the energy to enter the frey. Sometimes this is a good thing as it fired me right back up for today. On a subnote, does anyone know when its going to warm up round here, my feet seem to have developed permanent frost bite!!
Over and out.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
To beard or not to beard....
What to do, or what not to do.. or if this is all i actually have to worry about then maybe the question should be.... WHERE IS THE BLOODY SURF???? over and out!
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Monday, 1 February 2010
The start of something big.....?
My first post as a blogger! Here it is, i've boredly jumped on the blog bandwagon started by Lloydy and have become a blogger. Expect few updates, no pictures and occasional illiterate musings when i've had a good surf or something.
Stay tuned.....
Stay tuned.....
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